Relationship Anxiety

Individual Weekly Therapy, In Person and Virtual

Also offering Therapy Retreats

"A healthy relationship is a feast of affection/giving for both people; not one receiving crumbs and trying to convince themselves its enough."

Signs of Relationship Anxiety…

  • Constant overthinking: Analyzing every text, conversation, or action for hidden meanings, often interpreting things negatively.

  • Need for reassurance: Frequently asking your partner if they still care about you, love you, or want to be with you.

  • Fear of abandonment: Worrying your partner will leave you, even if there's no indication of this.

  • Jealousy: Feeling overly jealous when your partner interacts with others.

  • Sabotaging behaviors: Pushing your partner away out of fear of rejection, or picking fights over trivial matters.

  • Difficulty relaxing in the relationship: Feeling anxious even when things are going well.

  • Low self-esteem: Feeling inadequate or not good enough for your partner.

  • Intrusive thoughts: Having recurring negative thoughts about the relationship

“A securely attached child will store an internal working model of a responsive, loving, reliable care-giver, and of a self that is worthy of love and attention, and will bring these assumptions to bear on all other relationships. Conversely, an insecurely attached child may view the world as a dangerous place in which other people are to be treated with great caution, and see himself as ineffective and unworthy of love.” ― Jeremy Holmes, John Bowlby and Attachment Theory

Here’s the deal…

Anything or anyone that does not bring you alive, is too small for you.

You deserve to be in relationships where you feel seen, heard, and valued.

You can heal from the wounds, beliefs, or traumas that keep you stuck and settling for less.

You are courageous, loving, and have everything inside to help you experience a partnership that is supportive, loving, secure, and reciprocal.

The Retreat Space in the Blue Ridge Mountains

If I choose a Retreat, what does it include?

You’ll work one-on-one with Danielle, a trauma and attachment expert.

You’ll receive a comprehensive guidebook to help with self-esteem, negative core beliefs, relationship addiction, and practical steps forward to continue healing from trauma and attachment wounds.

You’ll complete assessments to understand where you score on trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction(s), and dissociation.

You’ll receive the leading, transformative book on attachment styles.

You’ll participate in Evidence-Based, Personalized Therapies to help unstick what’s stuck: EMDR, Flash, BrainSpotting, CBT, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) or Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT)